The unique location, high population and important status of Egypt in the Middle East region makes Egypt the ideal country for the implementation of mediation and alternative dispute resolution initiatives. Establishing and supporting a friendly mediation culture in Egypt benefits Egypt locally and internationally, as well as efforts to resolve conflict across the Arab countries.
Egypt is determined to enhance its economic status under the guidance of the World Bank and is eager to attract foreign investors. This is illustrated by the number of major national projects taking place, such as construction of the new Egyptian capital and the new Suez Canal. These and other projects require the existence of dispute prevention and resolution processes, such as mediation.
Expensive and lengthy court proceedings, accompanied by the high volume of cases submitted on a daily basis to the courts, especially family cases, makes embracing mediation essential for enhancing the quality of justice and maintaining the social fabric of Egypt. Expanding mediation culture in Egypt will help promote and support peace projects within Egypt and throughout the Arab countries.

Ahmed Mostafa Abou Zeid Fahmy is the Vice President of the Court of Cassation, the highest appellate court in Egypt and serves as head of International Relations office at the Court.

Sherif Elnegahy is a Chief Judge in the Egyptian Judiciary, an accredited mediator, and co-author of one of the first mediation books in the Arabic language.

Mahmoud Kamal Mohammad Mourad serves as legal counsel and the chairman of the mediation panel for the government of Dubai. He is also a mediator and serves as a Chief Judge at the Egyptian Courts of Appeal.