Mediation has played a critical role in post-genocide Rwanda and is integral to Rwanda’s rewrite of its national narrative, from revenge to reconciliation. After the formation of Rwanda’s current constitution in 2003, a national system of mediation committees was instituted to supplement the court system by handling the majority of less serious civil and criminal matters. By amendment to the civil code in 2012, judges were permitted to mediate commercial matters, and registrars were allowed to recommend mediation and mediate in other civil matters.
The impact of the 2012 amendments was disappointing and in some sense surprising, given the traditional and modern day use of mediation throughout the country. The legal system had little culture or practice of negotiated settlements, and litigation through layers of appeals became the rule, not the exception.
2018 has witnessed a major shift towards the mediation of litigated matters.
Senior Fellows – Rwanda

Harrison Mutabazi is a High Court Judge who currently serves as inspectorate of the Rwandan Supreme Court and as a judicial spokesperson for the Courts.

Anastase Nabahire is currently serving as the Justice, Reconciliation, Law and Order Sector Secretariat Coordinator in the Ministry of Justice of Rwanda and the High Council of the Judiciary.

Bernadette Uwicyeza is an ADR Advisor to the Judiciary of Rwanda, responsible for the design and implementation of a court-annexed mediation system in the Rwandan court system. She was previously appointed first Secretary General of the Kigali International Arbitration Centre in 2012.