Mediation as a modern concept is relatively new to Belarus and was first introduced by German mediators in 2007. An enormous amount of work has been accomplished since then to promote mediation at all levels, raise awareness nationally, and develop the best possible training and standards to stimulate legal recognition.
In 2011-2012, a pilot project for the use of mediation in commercial and other disputes was conducted in Belarus. The positive findings from the project helped to accelerate the development of the Belarus Law on Mediation, which came into force in January of 2014. The project also provided an opportunity for Belarussian mediators to further promote the development of the profession in the country.
More recently, mediators in Belarus continue to push their profession forward and provide an inspiring example to their colleagues in surrounding countries, where mediation remains less developed.

Tatsiana Bialiayeva is a lawyer, commercial mediator, and mediation and business negotiation trainer.