The ADR Movement began in Argentina at the start of the 1990s, led by the Federal Ministry of Justice, whose main objective was to reduce “judicial files collapse” within the judicial system. Several committees were organized to study and analyze: 1) mediators’ training qualifications; 2) rules and regulations; 3) pilot experiences; 4) rosters; and 5) ADR projects.
In April of 1996, a mandatory pre-judicial mediation law was established in Buenos Aires within the civil jurisdiction. The first mediation initiatives were followed step by step by the different provinces. Today, however, almost all of the 25 provinces in Argentina have their own mediation regulations, laws and projects, most of which are mandatory within the judicial system.

Lilian Vargas is executive and academic director of the Fundación Instituto de Mediación and coordinator of the FIMe Community Mediation Center, member of the Federal Net of Community Mediation Centers under the Ministry of Justice. An attorney for over thirty-three years of practice before the Federal and Chaco state courts, she also serves as a mediator on the federal roster of the Ministry of Justice and the Justice Tribunal in Chaco.