Since gaining its independence, the post-Soviet country of Azerbaijan has been in the process of reforming its legislation and judiciary to meet the demands of the free market and a global economy. However, before 2019 the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan barely referred to mediation.
On March 29, 2019, the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a new modern law on mediation based on the best international practices. The Mediation Law fundamentally reshapes the culture of dispute resolution in the justice system.
In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted numerous decisions to further the goals of the Mediation Law, including the ethics rules, training rules, rules on keeping mediation register, and fee schedule for mandatory initial mediation sessions.

Ruslan Mirzayev is a leading mediator and ADR expert based in Azerbaijan. With over 10 years of experience, he is included in the global panel of mediators of numerous international organizations and has acted as a lead and senior ADR expert with various international projects.