Colombia was the first country in Latin America to establish an ADR law in 1991 and include ADR in the Constitution that same year. Since then, the Government of Colombia has implemented several dispute resolution methods, such as: 1. Conciliation in Law, 2. Equity Conciliation, 3. Arbitration, 4. Amicable Composition. 5. Mediation, and 6. Negotiation (legal transactions).
In 2015, the National Planning Department published an analysis and assessment of the 25 years of development of conciliation in Colombia. This report recommended that ADR remain important in order to strengthen and promote conflict resolution in rural areas, especially during the implementation of the possible peace treaty between the National Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (2016).

Harbey Peña Sandoval is a lawyer with more than eighteen years of experience in the field of conflict resolution and ADR. He is currently associate ombudsperson for the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, D.C. and previously served as ADR Advisor for the Justice and Government Division at the National Planning Department, Bogota.