Improving access to effective, efficient and high-quality mediation services has been recognized as an important strategic objective of judicial and governmental reform as highlighted by the EU as one of the conditions for Serbia’s progress on the pathway to EU integration. This is not only for the purpose of improving access to justice and decreasing the number of backlogged cases, but also to create a more harmonious culture of dialogue, to build trust on various societal levels, and to improve the ease of doing business in Serbia, while strengthening international commerce. Reforms entail a revision of the legal framework, more adequate training programs, further promotion of ADR, and support for the establishment and development of mediation information and service centers.

Blažo Nedić is an internationally accredited independent mediator based in Belgrade, Serbia. He is a trainer, consultant, and attorney with 24 years of experience, including legal practice in the U.K. and Serbia and mediation practice in Serbia, Europe, and internationally.

Ivana Ninčić Österle is the Executive Director of the International Mediation Institute. She is a lawyer, mediator and public policy consultant for judicial reform, specializing in mediation and judicial efficiency.