A systematic process of implementing mediation in Russia began in 2004-2005. Ongoing changes to Russian society that started in the early 1990s included the creation of legal institutions to meet the needs and requirements of a developing market economy. By the early 2000s, overloading of the court system had become an acute problem. Ensuring the quality of justice in the courts became the basis for prioritizing the promotion of civil society institutions by Russian leaders. Among measures aimed at strengthening the rule of law was the progressive introduction of mediation in Russia.
In 2005, the Scientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law was established for the purpose of developing mediation and promoting its integration into Russian legislation. Mediation was seen as an efficient alternative dispute resolution method. Mediation legislation was adopted by the President of the Russian Federation in 2010 and became effective in January 2011.
While efforts to familiarize Russian society with mediation continue, recent developments include potential legislation governing online dispute resolution, as well as the introduction of mediation into the school system to promote a culture of constructive conflict resolution behavior at a young age.

Tsisana Shamlikashvili is an ADR pioneer, who initiated and supported the institutionalization of mediation in Russia.