Finland’s long tradition in international dispute resolution provides an excellent basis for Finland to become the new hub for international business mediation.
Finland is a leading provider of peace mediation services. Although currently belonging firmly to the West, Finland’s long history as a meeting point between the East and the West, and its geopolitical position with its neighbor Russia, has provided Finland a credible basis for offering peace mediation services.
Despite Finland’s long tradition in peace mediation, mediation in other fields remains underdeveloped. Disputes are primarily addressed through lengthy negotiations, litigation, and arbitration. Recently, there have been positive developments in increasing mediation as a method for resolving business disputes.

Pirita Virtanen is a Harvard-educated lawyer and a mediator. In 2018, she founded Private Mediator Ltd., Finland’s first mediation and strategic negotiation consulting and training firm, which works with leaders in business, law, and diplomacy. Ms. Virtanen also serves as a co-mediator with Judge Daniel Weinstein (Ret.).