Bhutan has a long history of resolving disputes through mechanisms, such as mediation. According to some sources, traditional mediation, commonly known as nangkha nangdrik in Bhutanese, has been an integral part of Bhutanese culture and tradition, dating back to the 7th century. Since a formal justice system developed in Bhutan only in the early 1960s, for centuries mediation did not exist as an alternative to a formal justice system, but as a primary dispute resolution mechanism.
The mediation process was based on the principles of compassion and peaceful coexistence, both important aspects of the community-oriented Bhutanese society. This traditional practice has waned over the last decades, however, and recent efforts have strived to revive it. This traditional practice has waned over the last decades but recent efforts, as of 2012, have strived to revive it.

Pema Needup is the Presiding Judge at the Punakha District Court.