María del Rosario García Álvarez

Senior Fellow – Spain

María del Rosario García Álvarez serves as a judge of the Employment Division of the Madrid High Court of Justice. Her areas of judicial practice are civil, employment and labor law. 

About María del Rosario García Álvarez

María del Rosario García Álvarez currently serves as a judge of the Employment Division of the Madrid High Court of Justice. Her areas of judicial practice have been civil, employment and labor law, since 1987, when she began her judicial career. As a Judge at the appellate level, she hears all matters arising from employment and labor issues, including individual and group conflicts. She has competent jurisdiction for the supervision of all aspects related to the accounting, economic and financial situations of companies and corporations regarding their intention to apply redundancy schemes (labor force reductions) in times of economic difficulties or insolvency, or as a result of management decisions to streamline the business.

In addition to her role as a sitting judge, her interests focus on issues related to conflict resolution, both nationally and internationally, mediation, arbitration, other forms of alternative dispute resolution, and dispute systems design. She has participated in several mediation skills training programs and has published a series of articles on employment law, mediation, and dispute resolution.

Judge García Álvarez has lead responsibility for designing, implementing, managing, and directing a project to introduce a court-connected mediation program in the Employment Courts in Madrid and for assisting and encouraging other judges to develop similar initiatives.

She is an associate professor of mediation and dispute resolution at ICADE Law School and a regular lecturer on master’s degree courses at various universities, as well as a frequent speaker at law seminars and conferences.
Judge García-Alvarez is a member of GEMME (European Association of Judges for Mediation), the International Women’s Forum, the International Association of Women Judges and Judges for Democracy.

Litigation Practice

Judge Garcia Álvarez’s litigation practice focuses on employment law, including:

  • All type of rights and obligations stemming from employment contracts
  • Compliance with the law of collective wage agreements executed in Spain and any claims arising from labor disputes that take place in the territory of Spain
  • Social Security claims against Spanish companies or entities, which have a registered address, branch, office or any other representation in Spain
  • All aspects related to the accounting, economic and financial situations of companies and corporations intending to apply redundancy schemes (labor force reduction) in times of economic difficulties or insolvency, or as a result of management decisions to streamline the business

Judge Garcia Álvarez’s first judicial appointment was to the Barcelona district courts in October of 1987. She was promoted to Senior Judge in 1989 and has received several judicial appointments since. She currently sits on the Employment Division of the Madrid High Court of Justice, where she served as presiding judge of its second section from 2008 to 2013, supervising, organizing, and coordinating the allocation of proceedings to the reporter judges. She also worked as legal advisor to the Spanish Ombudsman, Area of Justice, in the Special Services Mission from 1989 to 1990.

She has personally written nearly 10,000 legal judgments and dealt with more than 21,000 cases in different stages of proceedings thus far as part of her judicial career.

Mediation Practice

As a first instance judge, Judge García Álvarez has conducted intra-judicial conciliations before hearings. As presiding High Court Judge, she oversaw pre-trial conciliation hearings in the following areas: Contract terms, benefits denial, demotion, disciplinary issues, holidays and holiday pay, incentives, job classification and evaluation, overtime, fringe benefits, past practice, promotions and reassignments, unfair dismissals, redundancies/layoff, wages, collective bargaining, collective conflicts (between employers/business entrepreneurs and trade unions), subcontracting, successor, transfer, sexual harassment, bullying, equality at work, employment discrimination (sex, age, disability etc), worker’s compensation, misconducts, breach of contract, constructive dismissal, suits for retaliation, working hours, working conditions, withdrawal liability and termination of contracts.

ADR Achievements and Training

  • Judge García Álvarez has lead responsibility for designing, implementing, managing and directing a project to introduce a court connected mediation program in the Employment Courts in Madrid and for assisting and encouraging other judges to develop similar initiatives.
  • She has overseen and monitored a number of other efforts regarding dispute resolution activities with the support of the Spanish General Council of Judiciary, especially in Employment Courts.
  • She participated in the elaboration of the Intra-judicial Mediation Guide of the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary.
  • Awarded a Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship (2012)
  • Stanford Gould Fellow & Visiting Research Scholar, Gould Center For Conflict Resolution, Stanford University School of Law (2012)
  • Visiting Research Scholar, Hastings College of the Law, University of California, Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution (2012)
  • Judge García Álvarez was trained in mediation by The Center for Mediation in Law in New York and Berlin. She has undergone extensive advanced mediation training at JAMS (San Francisco), Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University School of Law, Gould Center for Conflict Resolution, Stanford Law School, and Hastings College of The Law, Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
  • She is a member of the Editorial Board of Revista de Mediación.

ADR Teaching and Mentoring

  • Judge García Álvarez is an associate professor of Mediation and Alternative Method for Dispute Resolution at ICADE Law School, post-graduate studies.
  • She is a part-time and guest lecturer in Mediation at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Master Arbitration and Mediation and Madrid Bar Association, Center for Legal Studies and Research.
  • She has conducted mediation trainings and workshops for lawyers and judges.
  • As founder of the Employment Courts-Annexed Mediation Program, she has trained mediators and conducted mediation advocacy workshops for lawyers and other legal professionals.
  • She has co-conducted the training Curso Certificado de Capacitación en Mediación, Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution – University of California Hastings College of the Law- in collaboration with Colegio Oficial de Graduados Sociales de Madrid y Fundación de Derechos Civiles.

Publications & Education


Judge García Álvarez has authored numerous publications, such as (selected):

“Discriminación Laboral sobre la base de la Apariencia Física” (Physical appearance-based employment discrimination), Trabajo y Derecho, nº 35. Nov. 2017

“El principio general de igualdad. Especial referencia al aspecto físico o aspectismo como posible causa de discriminación laboral”. (The equality principle -special reference to lookism as a form of illegal employment discrimination) Derechos fundamentales y tutela judicial en el ámbito laboral con especial referencia al acoso y protección de datos. Aspectos sustantivos y procesales. Colección: Cuadernos Digitales de Formación Nº volumen: 15 Año: 2017

“Obstáculos legislativos al desarrollo de la mediación en la jurisdicción social” (Legislative barriers to development of Mediation in Employment Jurisdiction), Revista Cuatrimestral de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales ICADE, nº 98, May-Aug 2016

“Ofreciendo alternativas desde los Juzgados de lo Social de Madrid: Mediación Intrajudicial” (Offering alternatives by Employment Tribunals: Court-connected mediation). El laboralista digital, nº 44, 2015, Asociación Nacional de Laboralistas

“El papel de la mediación en la resolución del conflicto individual de trabajo” (The role of mediation in the resolution of employment disputes), Trabajo y Derecho, nº 2, Febr. 2015

“Los Jueces Excelentes” (Excellent Judges) El Notario del Siglo XXI, Revista del Colegio Notarial de Madrid, May-Jun 2014, nº 59

“Mediation for business” Foro Jurídico Iberoamericano, La Revista Internacional de Derecho Práctico, Feb 2014

“Guía para la práctica de la Mediación Intrajudicial” (Guide for Court Connected Mediation), Revista del Poder Judicial, Oct.2013. repr. 2016

“¿Para qué necesito un mediador si puedo negociar por mí mismo?” (What do we need a mediator for?) in La Ley, 8087/13

“Mediación y Juzgados de lo Social: un encuentro entre alternativas” (Mediation and Employment Tribunals: an encounter between alternatives), Revista del Poder Judicial,º 94, 2012

“Guía de Mediación para Abogados” (A guide for Lawyers in Mediation), La Ley, 3291, 2012

“Mediación y Abogados: un nuevo paradigma profesional” (Mediation and Lawyers: a new professional paradigm), Otrosí, nº 11, Jul-Sep. 2012

“La mediación civil y mercantil en el Real Decreto-Ley 5, 2012” (Civil and Commercial Mediation in the R.L. Decree 5/2012), La Ley, 3292, 2012

“Mediación y Libertad de las partes para mediar en el proceso laboral” (Mediation and parties’ freedom to mediate in employment litigation), La Ley, 887, 2012

“El Juez como mediador ¿es conveniente? ¿es posible?” (The Judge as mediator: is it possible? Is it a convenient option?), La Ley, 17633, 2011

“Los procedimientos de mediacion y arbitraje en la reforma laboral” (Arbitration and mediation in the labor reform regulations), La Ley, 21367, 2010

“La derivación a mediación desde el Juzgado de lo Social: una nueva vía de acceso a la justicia” (Referral to mediation: a new form of Access to Justice), La Ley, 3920, 2010

“La extinción discriminatoria” (Discriminatory dismissal) –book chapter- in Pérez Amorós, F. (dir) and Fuste Miquela, J.M. La extinción del contrato de trabajo (The termination of the contract of employment), Bomarzo, 2006

“Los Acuerdos derivados de la Negociación Colectiva Europea” (European Collective Bargaining) -book chapter- in Negociación Colectiva Europea, Manuales de Formación Continua, 2005, nº 36

Educational Qualifications

  • Specialist University Degree in English-Spanish Legal Translation, Universidad de Alicante (2009)
  • Joined the Spanish Judiciary Service via public service exam (1987)
  • Law Degree, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1985)

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