Maciej Tański
Senior Fellow – Poland
Maciej Tański is a full-time mediator and co-founder of the Partners Poland Mediation Center (Centrum Mediacji Partners Polska – CMPP), a leading non-governmental mediation initiative in Warsaw.
About Maciej Tański
Maciej Tański is a full-time mediator and co-founder of the Partners Poland Mediation Center (Centrum Mediacji Partners Polska – CMPP), a leading non-governmental mediation initiative in Warsaw. Established in 2001, the center provides family law mediation services, training in mediation skills for mediators, and educates the public about mediation potential. Since 2002, he has mediated commercial cases and managed the first Business Mediation Center in Poland (Centrum Mediacji Gospodarczej).
Mr. Tański has initiated pioneering mediation advocacy campaigns in Poland. He is a founding member of the Association of Family Mediators (Stowarzyszenie Mediatorów Rodzinnych – SMR) where, for many years, he presided over its Standards and Certification Commission.
Using his mediation capacity, he currently facilitates town hall meetings and citizen participation processes in Warsaw.
Since 2005, he has continuously served on the Civic Council on the Alternative Dispute Resolution to the Minister of Justice of Poland.
Mediation Practice
Mr. Tański has a diverse and extensive mediation practice, from environmental and neighbor disputes, to workplace disagreements, family law cases, and large-scale business enterprise disputes. He has mediated over 1,000 cases, including court-referrals.
In particular, his mediation practice and expertise encompasses the following areas:
- Contracts: commercial contracts, sub-contracts
- Commercial: founder disputes, IT disputes, dissolution of business, cross-border commercial disputes
- Property: real estate, joint ownership
- Family: family business disputes, elder care, patchwork family disagreements
- Matrimonial: divorce, child residence, maintenance and custody