Our history

Our History

Guided by the leadership and vision of its founding members, the Weinstein International Foundation expands the opportunity afforded by the success of the Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship Program to promote the resolution of conflicts worldwide.

Inaugurated in 2008, the Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship Program constitutes the JAMS Foundation’s primary international initiative. The program provides funding for ADR professionals from around the world to study dispute resolution practices in the U.S., in order to increase the use of ADR in their home countries and beyond.

As of 2018, the Weinstein JAMS Fellowship Program has sponsored more than 100 Fellows from 70 countries. The JAMS Foundation, in partnership with Judge Daniel Weinstein (Ret.), is deeply committed to its support of the program.

In 2018, in response to increasing global challenges and conflicts, the Weinstein International Foundation was established to expand the potential of the network of fellowship program graduates to further promote mediation and dispute resolution around the world, while enhancing the Fellows’ capacity to mediate disputes in their communities, both locally and across borders.

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