Iván Ormachea Choque

Senior Fellow – Peru

Iván Ormachea Choque is a dispute resolution professional with experience working in the fields of conflict transformation, dialogue, mediation and facilitation for over twenty-five years.

About Iván Ormachea Choque

Iván Ormachea Choque is a dispute resolution professional with experience working in the fields of conflict transformation, dialogue, mediation and facilitation for over twenty-five years. In 1992, he founded the Peruvian Institute of Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Negotiation (IPRECON). After obtaining his law degree from the Catholic University of Peru in 1993, he began teaching courses on mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution at the university level. 

He started his practice in collective bargaining and training, and after improving his knowledge and skills in courses at Xavierana and United Nations Universities (Bogota 1991), Uppsala University (Sweden 1992) and the University of Oslo (Norway 1992), he obtained a scholarship from USAID-LASPAU and received an MA in International Relations, with a concentration in Conflict Resolution, from Syracuse University in 1996. A pioneer in the development of mediation in Peru, he was appointed as the Technical Secretary of the Mandatory Mediation System of Peru (Sistema de Conciliación Extrajudicial) at the Ministry of Justice (2001).

Mr. Ormachea currently serves as the President of ProDialogo (ProDiálogo, Prevención y Resolución de Conflictos), a leading organization in the field of mediation dialogue and conflict transformation. He focuses on teaching, training, research and consultancy regarding social and environmental conflict, conflict prevention and transformation, consensus building mechanisms, gender, and dialogue processes.

Mr. Ormachea serves as a mediator and facilitator for the Office of Mediation and Facilitation Services of the World Bank, for the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, an independent accountability mechanism of the International Finance Corporation, and for the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanisms – Inter American Development Bank.

Mr. Ormachea has written numerous books and articles related to mediation and conflict resolution.  He will receive his Master`s Degree in Gender Studies from the Catholic University of Peru in 2018.

Mediation Practice

Mr. Ormachea has mediated and facilitated cases for more than 20 years in the areas of:

  • Social and environmental issues related to extractive industries and indigenous or local communities
  • Commercial, family business, and contract disputes
  • Work place disputes in international organizations
  • Family disputes
  • Health related disputes
  • Consumer disputes
  • Labor disputes related to collective bargaining or individual contracts

He has also acquired substantial experience mediating complex cases as a consultant of international organizations, such as the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanisms (MICI) – Inter American Development Bank, the Compliance Advisory Ombudsman (CAO) – International Financial Corporation (IFC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the Fair Labor Association (FLA).

ADR Achievements and Training

ADR Achievements

  • Awarded a Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship (2017)
  • Declared Ambassador of Lima for the organization of the XI World Mediation Conference and I National Conference on Peace Building in Lima, Peru, granted by the Conventions and Visitors Bureau, Lima, Peru (2015)
  • Granted an award for the organization of the XI World Conference on Mediation, Lima Sep. 21-26, 2015 by the University of Sonora and the Mediation Institute of Mexico (2015)
  • Acknowledgement for outstanding performance in mediation in Minas Gerais, Brasil by the VIII World Mediation Conference (2012)
  • Awarded First Prize of the Negotiation Simulation Competition organized by the Willamete University Center for Dispute Resolution, Oregon USA, as co-author of the case study: The Peruvian Hostage Crisis 1996-1997 (1997)
  • Recipient of scholarships to study graduate and accredited courses funded by the Japanese Government (2002), USAID – LASPAU (1994-1995), Norwegian Government (1992), Swedish Government Scholarship (1992) and the United Nations Development Program (1991)

ADR Training

  • Harvard Law School – Program on Negotiation, Advanced Mediation Workshop: Mediating Complex Disputes (40 hours)
  • American University – Organization of American States, Peace Building and Development Workshop (40 hours)
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo – Understanding the Rules and Procedure of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the WTO/GATT (40 hours)
  • Certified Training on Mediation – Onondaga County – New York State (26 hours on mediation)
  • Syracuse University – Summer Sessions (40-hour course on Divorce Mediation, course accredited by the AFM)
  • Syracuse University – Campus Mediation Center (60-hour course and training on mediation)
  • CDR Associates: Communications, Decisions, Results – Boulder, CO (32-hour seminar on Designing Dispute Resolution Systems)
  • International Summer School, Course on Peace Research, and Interna­tional Relations and Foreign Policy, University of Oslo, Norway (1992)
  • Advanced International Program Conflict Resolution, University of Uppsala, Sweden, Department of Peace and Conflict Research (1992)
  • First Regional Seminar of Conflict Resolution, The United Nations Univer­sity and Pontifical Javeriana University, Colombia (1991)

ADR Teaching and Mentoring

Mr. Ormachea teaches dispute resolution courses throughout Peru:

  • Academy of Diplomacy of Peru – International Negotiation
  • Peruvian Institute of Conflict Resolution, Negotiation and Mediation. Director. Researcher, Trainer, Lecturer and Project Designer
  • Graduate Program on the Transformation of Environmental Conflicts, Universidad Antonio Ruíz de Montoya – Conflict Theory
  • National School of Mediation, Ministry of Justice of Peru – Director and Trainer
  • Academia de la Magistratura (Judicial Academy) – Trainer of the 22-hour court-annexed mediation course                                        
  • Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Perú in Lima:
  • M.LL.  in Judicial Policies: Conflict Resolution
  • M. LL in International Law & Economic: Negotiation: Theory and Practice
  • Sociology Program: Sociology of Conflicts and Negotiation
  • Law School: Negotiation and Mediation
  • Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Graduate School – Civil Procedure: Alternative Dispute Resolution and a course on conflict and crisis management in consumer disputes
  • Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Graduate School – Civil Procedure and Dispute Resolution: Mediation
  • National University of Piura, Peru – Alternative Dispute resolution, and mediation

Publications and Education


Mr. Ormachea has written books and articles on dispute resolution extensively:

Mining, Social Conflict and dialogue (2014), ProDiálogo (Co-author).

Pautas para procesos de diálogo desde la gestión pública (Guidelines and recommendations for dialogue process in the public sector), Lima: PrevCon-PCM (2011), Págs. 51.

Guidelines for establishing centers to implement alternative dispute resolution to increase access to healthcare, Washington DC: HPI/Peru – USAID, October 2007.

“Cinco experiencias regionales en la prevención y resolución de conflictos” (Five regional experiences in the prevention and resolution of conflicts in health rights) ( 2007) (Co-author).

Asociación Peruana de Derecho Sanitario (2007) (Co-author).

“Manejo Constructivo de Conflictos y Construcción de Consensos” (Consensus-Building and Conflict Management), (2007), ProDiálogo (Co-author).

“Diálogo y Reconciliation: sistematización de una experiencia de descentralización y democracia participativa en la Región Pasco” (Dialogue and Reconciliation: Systematization of  an  Experience of Decentralization and Democracy in the Pasco Region), ProDiálogo (2006).

“Resolución de Conflictos y Aplicaciones de Acciones Legales,” (Conflict Resolution and Applications to Legal Actions) Escuela de Postgrado, Universidad Católica de Santa María, Maestría en Derecho Ambiental, Arequipa (2006).

Guía de Resolución de Conflictos y construcción de consensos (Consensus Building and Conflict Resolution Guide) (2005), Mesa de concertación para la lucha contra la pobreza y Proyecto Fortalece (Co-author).

Derechos de las Personas Usuarias y Resolución de Conflictos en los Servicios de Salud: Guía de Capacitación (Training Guide on Dispute Resolution and Human Rights in Health Services and Facilities) (2005), Asociación Peruana de Derecho Sanitario (Co-author).

Negociación: de la Teoría a la Práctica (Negotiation: from Theory to Practice), ISBN: 9972-42-573-8 (2003), PUCP Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (Co-author).

Administración de Crisis en Establecimientos Penitenciarios. La  Experiencia de la Defensoría del Pueblo del Perú (Crisis Management in Penitentiaries: Experiences from the Peruvian Ombudsman Office) (2004), Defensoría del Pueblo.

Guía para el manejo y resolución de conflictos en el Sistema Penitenciario (Guidelines for the Management and Resolution of Conflicts within Penitentiaries) (2004), Defensoría del Pueblo.

Manual de Conciliación Procesal y Pre-procesal (Mediation Manual for Judges) (2000), Academia de la Magistratura.

Manual de Conciliación (Mediation Manual) (1999), IPRECON-USAID.

Retos y Posibilidades de la Conciliación en el Perú: primer estudio cualitativo (Challenges and Possibilities of Mediation in Peru: A  First Qualitative Study) (1998), Consejo de Coordinación Judicial.

Análisis de la Ley de Conciliación Extrajudicial (Analysis of the Mandatory Mediation Act) (1998), Cultural Cuzco & IPRECON.

Educational Qualifications

  • Master´s degree on Gender Studies, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2018)
  • Law Degree, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (1993)
  • Masters in International Relations, Field of Conflict Resolution, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, New York (1996)

For more information